All posts filed under: Life in Germany

The 2016 Christmas Letter/At the end of the year

Hi Everyone, I think most of us can agree that 2016 has been a pretty stressful and terrifying year for the world at large. So, I hope you won’t mind excusing me briefly as, apart from a general wish that next year runs a lot more peacefully and inclusively in 2017, I take a break from the world and give a run-down of the last 365-or-so days in the Armaniewski household.

Golden Canola

Over the last couple of days, forced to come into work on the weekend to write our respective theses (almost finished… almost done!), Iman and I have taken the opportunity to go for a couple of walks past the nearby fields in Golm. Now that the rains have come, and everything looks completely different again, I thought I’d put up a quick throw-back post from the beginning of Summer.